Bible Verses
The need for love can never be over stressed, the world need love to flourish. Without love, this world will be a place of constant turmoil, wickedness and cruelty …
Bible Verses
As a good Christian, one of your duty is to win souls to God, and no better one than that of a kid. So as adults, whether parents or …
Bible Verses
As Christians, we all know Sunday is a holy day and a day to reverence God in our churches. But many might not know why Christians have endorsed this …
Bible Verses
Relationship between Mothers and their daughters is something no one can overemphasized. Many often believes in some cases, the daughters will take up every bad or good habit which …
As humans, at some point we must have encountered a situation which we might feel or conclude that life have left us. That moment of hopelessness which is often …
Bible Verses
There’s this popular saying which goes like “Where there’s hope, there’s more”, and I can’t agree less because most of my life have been a product of hope. Hope …
Being in a situation where you lost or misplaces your thing or belonging can be very frustrating and a spot no one loves to be curved to. Sometimes, after …
As humans, we all have that one particular target or even more in which we fight to archive each day. But despite how we try and toil the day, …
Bible Verses
As many might not know what it means to be a hopeless romantic, this is a situation where you become very idealistic about love itself, and disregarding so many …
Bible Verses
Being an athlete or a sportsperson comes with a very challenging tasks, and many times can be overwhelming. That is why as Christians who loves and participates in any …